McJagger wanted to do all the talking in this post. He can type real well.
Hi, my name is McJagger and I’m a 2 1/2 year old tall, lanky Great Dane Labrador mix. Two years ago I escaped death, and was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Los Angeles by Indi Lab rescue. I was cut up, starving and had been living on the streets for a long time. They fed me, took me to the vet and got me all cleaned up for adoption. Soon after, I was adopted by the Echlin Family and boy was I lucky!!
They feed me well, run me and give me lots of love! I’m a great guard dog and am very protective, but also love to crawl into everyone’s lap, bed or couch. Yes, I am one big lap dog! My mom, Kingsley calls me her little chihuahua for this very reason. My favorite morning routine is for my dad, Ray to take me racing around on his bike-I can run really really fast! I also love being walked by my sisters Quinn and Charlotte and am so gentle with them on leash. Nothing is out of reach on the counters, I’m known to eat sticks of butter, fish food, bread…luckily I’m lean so I can afford it!
So, I’m not perfect, but I think I’m a pretty great dog, and love living in Alamitos Heights!
Thank you McJagger.
If you happen to see him out and about with his human, stop and say “Hi”
If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. Remember, I am a Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach. I know values.