There have been two recent closed sales in Alamitos Heights since January 1.
360 Terraine Avenue closed for $1,100,000. This is a 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath home with 3,398 SF per MLS. The lot size was 6,877. The original list price was $1,195,000.
742 Los Altos Avenue closed for $692,500. This was a 3 Bedroom 2 Bath home with 1,700 SF per MLS. The lot size was 6,499. The original list price was $749,000.
There are two homes in “Back-up offer” status that should close in the next 30 days.
There are 5 Active Listings that range from $825,000 to $1,300,000.
365 Los Altos Ave
636 Los Altos Ave
760 Los Altos Ave
776 Havana Ave
If you would like to see any of these home, please call or email me.
If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. If you know someone who wants to move to our wonderful neighborhood, call me, I would be happy to help find them a home. Remember, I am a Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach. I know values. Call me for all your Real Estate needs 562-673-1138
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