We have had a good Kick off to summer here in Alamitos Heights. The AHIA ( Alamitos Heights Improvement Association, say that three times fast) hosted the Annual Picnic/BBQ. This was a good time to meet neighbors from other streets, play games with the kids and volunteer for a committee on the AHIA board.
This is also when the AHIA recognizes a resident for outstanding work in the community. This year we had two, Karen Taylor and Holland Brown. These two ladies created the Award winning “Learning Garden” at Lowell Elementary School. Karen and Holland Volunteer countless hours to help teach the kids at Lowell. Many lessons coincide with what the kids are leaning in class; History, Science, Etc. Having helped in the Learning Garden, I can say personally, that the enthusiasm and dedication these ladies bring is amazing. They have won many awards for Lowell. People like these are what make Alamitos Heights a great community, and what make our local schools the Best.
Last, we just had our first Community Yard Sale. Over 15 homes participated. I can say, that on our block, it was more of a party and social event, then a sale.
The winner to last months sweepstakes ( 2 Free Dinners to Ma n’ Pa Grocery)
Was, Angie Canchola of Ultimo Ave.
Our new sweepstakes will Start Soon, Look for the Flyer on your door!

If you have any old photos, or if you know some neighbors that have some, please have them contact me.
If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. If you know someone who wants to move to our wonderful neighborhood, call me, I would be happy to help find them a home. Remember, I am a Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach. I know values. Call me for all your Real Estate needs 562-673-1138