Alamitos Heights is in high demand. There are more buyers then sellers. Good properties are selling within 2 weeks, some faster. I have been holding open houses on a Listing( not mine) on Los Altos Avenue. I am speaking with people that have a strong desire to move into out neighborhood. Some are first time buyers, some coming from Belmont Heights and Belmont Shore. They are drawn here for the schools, the larger lots, the neighborly feel. (nothing new to those of us that live here). What does this mean to you? Values are still moving up.
If you know of anyone, who is slightly thinking about selling, now is the time!
I will be doing a more detailed post of the market in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.
Once again it was time for the Annual 4th of July Block party on Los Altos Avenue. The fun started at 2pm and went well into the night with a movie screening. Fire Station 14 came by to cool things down. The kids really loved this.

What is up with Santiago Avenue?
Things seem to be moving slowly for the valve replacement at the intersection of 4th Street and Santiago Avenue. I spoke with Louanne Bean, the information contact for the project. Ms. Bean stated things should be complete in another 3 weeks. Santiago avenue will be open at the end of each workday. If you have any question, call her at 949-293-6193
The Colorado Lagoon is now cleaner then it has been in years. My son and I went fishing on Sunday afternoon and had a great time. We are strictly catch and release. Did you know there are Sharks in the Lagoon? We caught 2, this was a surprise, but nice to see.
If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. If you know someone who wants to move to our wonderful neighborhood, call me, I would be happy to help find them a home. Remember, I am a Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach. I know values. Call me for all your Real Estate needs 562-673-1138