How many Pools are there in Alamitos Heights, Long Beach?

I was reading a blog that had a story about a German Graphic Designer that wondered how many pools are in the LA Basin(not including the San Fernando Valley),and there are 43,123. Per the Story, Long Beach has a total of 2,859 pools.

He ended up printing a book called The Big Atlas of LA Pools.

This story had me ask the question, “How many pools are there in Alamitos Heights?”

Thanks to Google Maps and Google earth, I was able to count a total of 123 pools. There is also 1 indoor pool that I know of, but never got to swim in.

The breakdown is as follows:

Between 7th and Colorado
Monrovia 4
Orlena 5
Panama 5
Santiago 12
Terraine 13
Havana 12
Los Altos 21
Ultimo 4
Flint 14
Winslow 6
Manila 1
4th 7
6th 0
Between Pch and 7th Street
Santiago 4
Terraine 10
Havana 3
Los Altos 1
Ultimo 1

So what does all this mean? Per Fidelity National Title, there are 702 Homes in Alamitos Heights and only 123  have pools. So, on those hot days in August and September, if you are not one of those 123 home, you better know someone that is.

I think I have been in 8.

Moral here, it pays to know your neighbors.

Here is a video that shows some of the 43123 pools in LA, some in Long Beach

If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. Remember, I am a  Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach.  I know values. Call me for all your Real Estate needs 562-673-1138

Real Estate Agent in Long Beach, Realtor in Long Beach, Real estate agent in alamitos heights, appraiser in long beach

When is a good time to Sell in Alamitos Heights?

So when is the best time to sell? That depends on you and your needs. But, some times of the year are better then others.

Typically the most sales happen from spring through summer. This is considered the “Home Buying Season”, the weather is nice, spring flowers begin to bloom, and the trees are starting to get leaves. Buyers might have been thinking about moving in the winter and are now actively looking.

Historically, most of the sales in Alamitos Heights happen during this time. Look at the graph below. This shows that most sales happen during this time period, except for December of 2010 and 2011 which was not typical.

So what does this mean to the seller? These dates used on the graph are the date the sale closed.  Keep in mind, it can take 30, 60, 90 days or more to get an offer, then it can take up to 30 days to close. Working backwards, you need to start thinking about listing your house now. Then actually putting it on the market in January or February to be ready to take advantage of this time frame.

sales per month

If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. Remember, I am a  Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach.  I know values.



Dogs of Alamitos Heights – McJagger


McJagger wanted to do all the talking in this post.  He can type real well.

Hi, my name is McJagger and I’m a 2 1/2 year old tall, lanky Great Dane Labrador mix.  Two years ago I escaped death, and was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Los Angeles by Indi Lab rescue.  I was cut up, starving and had been living on the streets for a long time.  They fed me, took me to the vet and got me all cleaned up for adoption.  Soon after, I was adopted by the Echlin Family and boy was I lucky!!
They feed me well, run me and give me lots of love!  I’m a great guard dog and am very protective, but also love to crawl into everyone’s lap, bed or couch.  Yes, I am one big lap dog!  My mom, Kingsley calls me her little chihuahua for this very reason.  My favorite morning routine is for my dad, Ray to take me racing around on his bike-I can run really really fast!  I also love being walked by my sisters Quinn and Charlotte and am so gentle with them on leash.  Nothing is out of reach on the counters, I’m known to eat sticks of butter, fish food, bread…luckily I’m lean so I can afford it!
So, I’m not perfect, but I think I’m a pretty great dog, and love living in Alamitos Heights!
Thank you McJagger.
If you happen to see him out and about with his human, stop and say “Hi”

If you are thinking about selling your house, and would like to know the current market value or discuss a sales plan, call or email me. Remember, I am a  Long Beach Real Estate Agent, Certified Appraiser, and a resident of Alamitos Heights, Long Beach.  I know values.





Long Beach Marathon comes through Alamitos Heights

Are you ready for the Long Beach Marathon this Sunday?

We all know what this means; street closures, traffic, lost and angry drivers speeding on our neighborhood streets.

  • What should you do?
  • Stay home?
  • Go out and cheer on the runners
  • Have a party

The best tip is to get every errand you need to do on Saturday. Plan on not going anywhere until 3pm.

Here is a link to the the course maps:

Full Course Map








What are Values doing in Alamitos Heights?

I like graphs, I think a visual story is easier to read then numbers. The first graph shows what sales are doing in Alamitos Heights since January1, 2013.
As you can see, we have an upward trend. This is good news for those who might be thinking about selling.

AH August sinc e 2013



The second graph is what values have done since 2003. This really tells a story. Locally, we peaked in late 2006/2007, then we did not hit bottom until late 2011.

AH Augustsince 2003


If you want to know more about what your home is worth, please send me an email. I am Also a Certified Real Estate Appraiser. If you are thinking about selling, please call so we can discuss your options and a marketing plan.